The cost of market data has increased dramatically since 2017. This also hinders growth and innovation among asset managers.
The German Banking Industry Associations, BVI and BSW have updated the joint standard for determining target markets in terms of sustainability.
Press Release
BVI members manage over EUR 1,910 billion for old-age provision purposes. This is 44 per cent of the industry’s total AuM.
German investors hold more than one trillion euros in funds with sustainability features for the first time.
The ESMA proposal for a ‘Value for Money‘ test would mislead retail investors. This is the conclusion of a recent BVI analysis.
BVI is taking an innovative approach: Markus Michel now presents our research-themed videos as an avatar, with content created by him as always.
The fund industry manages a record EUR 4,413 billion in assets for investors in Germany as at the end of September.
Managers in Germany make portfolio decisions for funds and mandates with assets totalling over EUR 3 trillion.
As part of the MiFIR implementation, the BVI has developed an optimised concept to enhance post-trade transparency in the bond market.
Asset growth for funds with sustainability features weakens significantly in the second quarter.
Fund companies had a total of EUR 4,311 billion AuM for investors in Germany as at 30 June. This is the same record level as at the end of 2021.
The EU regulation of investment firms (IFD/IFR) needs to be improved. Furthermore, further dialogue with the industry is necessary.
The CSDDD is published in the Official Journal of the EU. It takes effect on 26 July 2024 and must be transposed into national law by 26 July 2026.
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